Mascarillas Para Pies Mascarilla Hidratante Sin Perfume Para

Mascarillas Para Pies Mascarilla Hidratante Sin Perfume Para Precio: $60929
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! Mascarilla hidratante sin perfume para pies de bebé, sin pelar, hidrata y refresca los pies en 15 minutos, tratamiento sin dolor para los pies, para hombres y mujeres, humectante suave y rico para pies suaves de bebé Baby Foot Unscented Non-Peel Moisturing Mask ? Hydrate and Refesh Feet in 15-Minute - No Pain Feet Treatment - For Men and Women - Smooth and rich moisturizer for Baby Soft Feet Marca: Mainspring America, Inc. DBA Direct Cosmetics Modelo: BF-7538 Color: UNICO Talla: 2.4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1) -HYDRATING FOOT MASK - Baby Foot Moisturizing Foot Mask helps to hydrate and refresh your feet after completing the Baby Foot Exfoliating Foot Peel. Simply wear the booties for 15 minutes, then remove the booties and rub the lotion gently into your skin to hydrate and refresh your feet!- -NON-PEEL TREATMENT - This NON PEEL 15-minute treatment is formulated with collagen, hyaluronic acid, and 14 other natural extracts. These rich moisturizing components combine to help maintain super smooth and soft feet.- -BABY FOOT SOFTENING TREATMENT - These work great for newly-peeled feet that might feel dry over time. It is also great to use when you?re between treatments but want to maintain high moisturization levels for your feet. Treat dry feet while keeping them baby smooth with our moisturizing foot soak.- -SMOOTH SOLUTION - This moisturizing foot mask from Baby Foot is the perfect remedy for dry feet and will make them feel better than ever. Even if you don?t have time for a full foot peel treatment, Baby Foot?s moisturizing mask provides the hydration your feet need.- -BEST GIFT IDEA - This foot Moisturizer Mask is great to share with your family and friends. Let them enjoy baby soft, healthy feet with you.- - Baby Foot Moisturizing Foot Mask is distributed by Baby Foot U.S.A. located in Springfield, MO. Baby Foot product approved for sale in the United States must have the Baby Foot USA address and website listed on the back of the box. Our Moisturizing Foot Mask is designed to hydrate and refresh your feet after your feet have completed peeling as a result of using our Baby Foot Exfoliating Foot Peel. Formulated with Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid and 14 kinds of natural extracts, these rich moisturizing components combine to help maintain super smooth soft feet. Visit our official BabyFootUSA website at for more information. B075QQHT53