Cuchillos - Cuchillo De Caza Damasco Hecho A Mano - Cuchillo

Cuchillos - Cuchillo De Caza Damasco Hecho A Mano - Cuchillo Precio: $175181
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! Cuchillos - Cuchillo de caza damasco hecho a mano - Cuchillo con vaina - Cuchillos de hoja fija - Cuchillo Bushcraft - cuchillo desollador para caza - cuchillo de supervivencia - Cuchillos Chef - cuchillo tracker - cuchillo caza ciervo - Navaja de bolsillo 9881 Knives - Handmade damascus hunting knife - Knife with Sheath - Fixed Blade knives - Bushcraft Knife - skinning knife for hunting - survival knife - Chef Knives - tracker knife - deer hunting knife - Pocket Knife 9881 Marca: PAL 2000 KNIVES Modelo: UNICO Color: 9881 Talla: UNICA -BOWI KNIFE: Total Length 13 Inches Approx Blade Length 8 Inches Approx and Handle Length 5 Inches Approx With ROSE WOOD Handle.- -Quality material used 1095 / 15N20 alloy steels (352 true layers)- -Our all items are 100% handmade and 100% original damascus steel - If you have any kind of question about our item please contact us- -Better quality of the sharp edge of the blade guaranteed , perfect grip , quality finishes , hard edge and cutting, the cutting edge to keep after the rough and tough use , great work of art for a perfect poison knife as well as fully functional.- -Hands of durable high quality leather sheath included cowhide.- - Handmade Damascus Steel Blade Hunting Bowie Knife 9660 MEASUREMENT Total length: 13 Inches Blade length: 8 Inches Handle Length: 5 Inches Handle Material: Rose Wood Wood. Handmade Durable Leather Sheaths Included. DAMASCUS STEELMAKING: Our Damascus article is a Double-edged blade so that it fits both left-handed and right-handed persons. The blade is folded 5 times starting from 11 layers Of 1095 and 15N20 giving approximately 352 Layers in this awesome Pattern. WILL NOT RUST WITH PROPER CARE: Your article will last you for years with the proper care. Keep it dry, oil the article blade when not using for a long time. vegetable oil or any lubricant Oil after washing. Do not put the Knife into the Sheath to store for a Long time without oil. BEST FOR CUTTING - SLICING - MINCING & DICING: our articles can easily handle your daily kitchen tasks - designed for cutting, slicing - mincing, and dicing of fruit - vegetables, and meat. The classic look, ergonomic handle, and ease-of-use design guarantee that you will come to rely upon it. We Are Making All Types of knives. BUYING: You must be sure 18+ of age and you can legally purchase and own an Article and will use it responsibly. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - 100% SATISFACTION: Our articles have been built with Perfection in Mind. Ideal Multipurpose Cutlery Gift Christmas, Weddings, Birthdays, for Home Cooks, Professional Chef?s, Culinary Students, and more. You can't lose. Limited Supply, Order Now before they are Sold Out. Great piece of art for a perfect gift knife as well as fully functional. Buy With Confidence. B08W1HQCRZ