Cuchillo De Caza Victorinox Butcher Skinning & Fishing Mango

Cuchillo De Caza Victorinox Butcher Skinning & Fishing Mango Precio: $144416
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! Victorinox Butcher Skinning & Fishing Mango rígido y estrecho Fibrox Pro, 6", negro Victorinox Butcher Skinning & Fishing Stiff Narrow Fibrox Pro Handle, 6", Black Marca: Victorinox Modelo: VIC-40730 Color: Black Talla: 6" -Compact and sturdy- -The world's most know brand for multi-tools and pocket knives- -Made is Switzerland- - Over the years, both customer needs and technology have changed. The Swiss Army knife has evolved by responding to these needs, while remaining an essential tool our clients can rely on. That's our story. But it's not what turned the victorinox knife into an icon. It's about the stories our customers experienced in which our products played a vital role: stories about memorable moments of adventure and expeditions on earth, in the sky and in space. Dramatic stories in which our products contributed to solutions and saved lives. Even stories of prominent encounters where our knives opened doors, helping to create ties between politicians, opinion leaders and nations. In all of these stories it becomes clear that thanks to the talent of our EMPLOYEES we have been able to develop products that excel in their functionality, quality and design - making them true Companions for life. We invite you to discover the world of victorinox and are proud to be a companion for your life. Thank you for your interest and trust in victorinox. B000931CY6