Cuchara De Arena Qualiall Pala De Arena Para Gatos De Metal,

Cuchara De Arena Qualiall Pala De Arena Para Gatos De Metal, Precio: $43266
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! QUALIALL Pala de arena para gatos de metal, pala para excrementos Fast Kitty Box con soporte, pala grande y profunda, mejorada con cabeza plana y un cómodo orificio para el pulgar en mango largo QUALIALL Metal Cat Litter Scoop, Fast Kitty Box Pooper Scooper with Holder, Deep Large Shovel, Upgraded with Flat Head and a Comfy Thumb Hole in Long Handle Marca: QUALIALL Modelo: FAST NO STICKY CAT LITTER SCOOP Color: Black Talla: 13*6*3.5" -??FAST METAL CAT LITTER SCOOP?Made of round and smooth stainless steel wires, a large litter box scoop designed to make litter box cleaning like a breeze, fast and even fun. No shaking and shaking, no clumps breaking, less odor/dust inhalation in use.- -??COMFY CAT SCOOPER ?Discarded sliding or dirty wrapping tape on handle, UPGRADED with an ergo thumb hole and with FLAT leading edge. Effortlessly scoop all kind of clumping cat litter, use it against bottom or scrape bottom with easy.- -??CLEAN METAL LITTER SCOOPER?Less / Non-sticky (frypan) epoxy resin coated. NO any plastic, rubber, foam material to get stubborn dirt in long term use. Stays clean and easy to clean, totally flushable and dry very fast.- -??DURABLE KITTY LITTER SCOOPER?All metal litter scoop design, enhanced by excellent auto welding, QUALIALL aims to provide U a life-long litter box sifter for your cat!- -??CAT litter scoop with holder?Your cat box scooper comes with 2 adhesive hooks for position fixing and fast reaching. Convenient, space saving and no contact to any surface. Better than having a separate cat pooper scooper holder to use and to clean.- - MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER THAN EVER As a cat lover as you, we fully understand that to scoop litter box several times a week is challenging, and hence it must be fast and effective. BESIDE THIS, A GOOD CAT LITTER SCOOP MUST BE A: ? Solid metal litter scoop that won't break crack or bend: Our solution is all metal. ? Large metal litter scoop with deep shovel: Our is Jumbo Cat Litter Scooper with a size of 13.2 x6.1x2.3in ? Easy to clean litter box scooper: Ours all metal cat litter scooper is made of smooth round steel bars, with less direct contact surface and special surface treatment?less sticky, totally flushable, and dry fast without odor absorption. ? Cat litter scoop with solid handle that won't bend, break, come off or snap off? Ours is integral and all metal. ? Metal cat scooper that easy to find when use: We provide you 2 free hanging hooks for position fixing. ? Wire kitty litter scoop with perfect sifter spacing that only allows clean litter to pass through: we have 2 built in "secret" recipes-- Large sieve holes density and smooth round bars! We love cats and we love ourselves as well, we focus on details, we want you to love it as much as we do! This all metal litter scoop will for sure minimize shaking and allows more clean litter to pass through without too much effort. It lets you dig out the big clumps, scrape the bottoms and sides of the pan while reducing time. It is suitable for various kinds of cat litters. It does not waste clean cat litter and is safe to use. QUALIALL takes quality above all, and aims to bring high quality products to all. Thanks for trusting us and enjoy it! REMINDING (like other competitors do): Please do wash it with soapy water before use. Thanks! B08H12YFHB