Cuchara De Arena Purple Pet 3x Power Palm Handle Pala De Are

Cuchara De Arena Purple Pet 3x Power Palm Handle Pala De Are Precio: $76772
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! Purple Pet 3X Power Palm Handle Pala de arena para gatos de 17 pulgadas de largo que utiliza la palma para recoger fácilmente - Pala profunda, pala de arena para gatos de tamizado rápido - Accesorio para caja de arena para gatos - Ideal para manos doloridas Purple Pet 3X Power Palm Handle 17 Inch Long Cat Litter Scoop That Uses Your Palm for Easy Scooping - Deep Shovel, Fast Sifting Cat Litter Scooper - Kitty Litter Box Accessory - Great for Sore Hands Marca: Purple Pet Modelo: UNICO Color: Extra Long - Rubber Handle (Silver) Talla: 17 Inch Long -PATENT PENDING HANDLE IS 3X EASIER ON YOUR HANDS AND STRONGER - Our Patent Pending NEWEST HANDLE is our BEST DESIGNED HANDLE yet. Fits into the Palm of Your Hand allowing a Powerful Scoop that is EASY ON YOUR HANDS.- -EASY ON SORE ARTHRITIC HANDS - GREAT FOR HUGE DEEP SCOOPING POWER - Our Form Fitted Handle Allows you to use your HAND AND PALM OF YOUR HAND. Super smart design - FINALLY. somebody listened to Cat Owners.- -LARGE SHOVEL & 17 INCH LONG HANDLE ? Designed by CAT OWNERS, Our Longest Metal Handle Scooper to get the EXTRA REACH and DIG DEEPER in the litter box. Allows you to scoop out more waste at once. Well balanced aluminium and solid Handle won't bend or break.- -INCLUDES HANGER FOR SAFE HOLDING OF SCOOPER - To make it easy to store the scoop while not in use, it comes with an adhesive plastic hanger (with screw included if the adhesive fails). that can attach to the wall or side of the litter box- -PRODUCTS DESIGNED BY PET OWNERS - We are a hardworking USA based brand that understands the customer needs and develop the right pet product to make your pet happy. Our dedicated customer service assistance is always available to help you with product issues. Do Try Our Product!!!- - B087PLBT4C