Apósito De Espuma De Sili Niceful 10 Paquetes De Apósitos De

Apósito De Espuma De Sili Niceful 10 Paquetes De Apósitos De Precio: $81511
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¡Encarga tus productos de EE. UU. con nosotros y recíbelos en 15 a 20 días! ¡Bienvenido a tu puerta de acceso a productos de Estados Unidos! Si buscas calidad y variedad, ¡estás en el lugar adecuado! Nuestras fotos son referenciales, así que si tienes alguna duda, ¡no dudes en consultarnos! Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso.Realizamos envíos a lo largo y ancho de Chile a través de Starken y Mercado Envíos. ¡Tú eliges la opción que mejor se ajuste a tus necesidades!Te invitamos a explorar nuestro catálogo y encontrar los productos que estás buscando. ¡Hagamos realidad tus compras internacionales de forma sencilla y confiable! Niceful 10 paquetes de apósitos de espuma de silicona de 5.0 x 5.0 in, apósitos de espuma de silicona con vendajes adhesivos de borde para heridas, elegibles para HSA FSA, vendajes de espuma grandes para úlceras por presión en las piernas Niceful 10 Packs Silicone Foam Dressing 5"x5", Silicone Foam Dressing with Border Adhesive Bandages for Wounds, HSA FSA Eligible, Large Foam Bandages for Pressure Sores Leg Ulcer Marca: winner Modelo: UNICO Color: UNICO Talla: 5x5 in/ 12.5x12.5 cm -?Bordered Adhesive Foam Dressing?- Our silicone foam dressing 5x5 in is soft and friendly to sensitive skin. This5x5 silicone foam dressing with border offer extreme absorbency during the healing process by the optimal moist environment, vertically absorbing the exudate. The thick foam pads provide excellent cushioning.- -?High Absorbency?- Made up of 5 layers: PU film, SAF ultra-absorbent core, non-woven layer, thick pad and hypoallergenic silicone wound contact layer. The silicone foam dressing with border conforms to the wound bed, Absorb & Lock Exudate, and provide the sterile moist wound environment, reducing the risk of skin maceration, a great alternative to normal gauze.- -?Easy to Use and Remove?- No latex here just silicone, the foam dressing 5x5 for sensitive skin just gently stay well on your thin skin with no curling.The bed sore bandages for wound is Painless to remove without irritating your skin, and prevents secondary damage. Don't hesitate to enjoy the more comfortable wound dressings and bandages change experience.- -?Breathable and Waterproof?- The 5x5 foam bandages allows the passage of oxygen and water vapor. The gentle adhesive silicone contect layer create a highly absorbent yet breathable surface keeping the wound moist for healing, avoiding to damage the new epithelial cells when changing the wound dressing.- -?Superior Wound Care?- 10 counts/box. The silicone foam bandage 5"x5" (3"x3" Wound Pads) works well with mild to moderate exudate wounds such as sacrum ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer, pressure sore, bedsore, knee replacement surgery, venous ulcer, cuts, I-II degree burns, open wound care after surgery, and other minor traumas during the wound care treatment.- - B09RVPQVRX